Slow start to the competition

What sort of race is this?

Over twenty hours from the start and no one has so far got the first question right. New competitors are still welcome. See the competition here.

The clock has had twenty occasions to strike the hour. No one has worked out how long it took to strike nine. Sadly the Neighbourly Challenge has got off to a really slow start. The snails wish they had not got out of the well. Most competitors are less than half a lizard-length from the start. This should not surprise most punters since most Neighbourly members never get past the first post. Many competitors failed to get to the starting line. Sam-I-Am ‘s logic is always massively flawed (no air-quotes needed around massively). Fritter’s logic was fried when his diabetes was problematic after he tried to lick the chocolate off a chocky fish on the computer screen. Neighbully is down again. En-Tee was another non-starter. This nag could never solve anything except by brute-force. Careener is reported to have been delayed trying to stop her fur-babies from trying to eat rats. Frosty is still in hospital. Scaredy-Kat as usual is afraid to get out of the starting box. Shrek’s-Mate ran out of steam trying to get to the start-line. Not much to say about this since she appears to have disabled all commentary. Rumour has it she is still Fiona-looking for the start line. Dawdle (aka Dowdle) was never going to be fast. Robyn Hood never had a chance of giving anything to the poor punters but at least made an attempt to get over the first hurdle. There appears to be a rumour about a doping scandal. A letter about p or something affecting her memory.


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