- Wishing you all a Merry Christmeow and a COVID-free new year. All the best for 2024!
My Christmas gift to you: my main site is now publicly available again:
Old notice: My main site will become private this morning (Monday 23 October)- links from posts here may not work! - My main site:
Alan’s Ark & COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey – Alan’s Ark & The Amazing Phoenix & COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey investigating/experiencing COVID-19 life (wordpress.com) - For New Zealand in early 2020 and worldwide see:
https://aaamazingphoenix.wordpress.com/2023/12/17/covid-19-worldwide-estimates-if-ro-exp2-5r-2-5/ - A range for Ro for COVID-19 early in 2020 – Green Bottles, Alan’s Ark & COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey (wordpress.com)
COVID-19 Worldwide in 2020~ How many people may one person infect on average? What can we expect when Ro = r^2.5? – Green Bottles, Alan’s Ark & COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey (wordpress.com)
COVID-19~ Refining estimates for Ro~ Is Ro close to r^2.5? – Green Bottles, Alan’s Ark & COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey (wordpress.com)
Update 2: COVID-19 in NZ in Early 2020~ Does Re = 5.8 and Ro = 6? – Green Bottles, Alan’s Ark & COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey (wordpress.com)
COVID Odyssey: Winter Windup 5 ~ Conclusions for NZ in 2020 ~ Back to the past: Re = 5.8 and Ro = 6 – Green Bottles, Alan’s Ark & COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey (wordpress.com) - My summary for Ro for COVID-19:
COVID Odyssey: Winter Windup 15 ~ Executive summary ~ Our formula for Ro – Green Bottles, Alan’s Ark & COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey (wordpress.com) - If you like puzzles, see:
My Competitions (Index) – COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey (wordpress.com) - If you like looking at analysis of COVID-19, see my (open) COVID Odyssey Time Capsule:
https://covidodyssey.wordpress.com/ - If you like T.S. Eliot or The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, see:
Tentative decisions; More T.S. Eliot – COVID Odyssey: Alan Grace’s vir[tu]al journey (wordpress.com) - My COVID Odyssey Time Capsule:
Alan Grace: COVID Odyssey Time Capsule for aaamazingphoenix.wordpress.com – Changes embargoed forever. Warning: Most links in the posts below will go back to the original site: aaamazingphoenix.wordpress.com
#703. My 2020-22 COVID-19 Time Capsule
#702. 25 Horses Puzle. Can you solve it?
I like this puzzle.
No spoilers allowed. Email me your answers. Do not write your answers in a comment.
#701. Sad anniversary: One year since WordPress announced loss of new Daily Prompts
Sad decision
Reputation built
Now quicksand and silt
How users betrayed
‘D’ fail grade displayed
Guilty to the hilt
Alan Grace
25 May 2018
Daily prompt: Guilty
One year ago today, WordPress announced it was giving one week’s notice that the Daily Post was closing down- that there would be no new daily prompts etc 🙁 Why kill it?
To the Daily Post Community: Thank You!
Just how much effort does it take to choose a word at random from a dictionary?
Or use a random word generator. e.g.
My idea was to perhaps just start repeating words from a couple of years ago or last year.
Beware of MLM (Multi-Level Marketing)
Companies selling through true MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) are legal. However some companies that claim to be MLM have questionable practices that may at least border on Pyramid Schemes. Pyramid schemes are illegal.
My hypothetical example below, based on the Unicity MLM structure, shows that over 85% of the retail price of an MLM product may be used to pay for commissions and bonuses etc.
As a result of the profit margins/commissions/bonuses/rebates paid out, customers may pay several times the actual true price of a product (price including reasonable profit margin if it was not MLM) when buying an MLM product. MLM products are definitely not cheap and do not represent value for money.
MLM products are very expensive. How much do you think has to be added to the actual cost of the product (including reasonable profit margin if it was not MLM) to pay for the ‘income streams’ in the example below? What percentage of the retail price (price you would pay as a customer) do you think would be the reasonable price of the product (including a reasonable profit margin) before the MLM costs are factored in?
In addition, the MLM tree structure is very similar to a pyramid structure. Eventually there will not be enough people on Earth for ‘Franchisees’ (or whatever other name is used) at the lower levels to recoup (get back) their ‘investment’. In fact many people do not earn much who entered MLM some time ago.
If someone is selling a product, ask if it is MLM.
Many sales people may avoid answering the question. If they avoid answering by saying it is Direct Selling or Direct Sales, ask again ‘Is it MLM, yes or no?’.
The Longest of Goodbyes
Happy Mother’s Day Mum.
Sad you won’t remember we’ve said it.
My mum has dementia (not Alzheimers). Every time we see her she has deteriorated. We are on tenterhooks awaiting the inevitable.
Daily prompt: Tenterhooks
They've brought back my Pingbacks to me! My Pingbacks are working now!
You can now share your posts again on my site!