Any Math whizz may like to try this!

This year the New Zealand NCEA Level 1 Maths exam (usually sat in Year 11) was claimed to be too tough.

Two questions appeared in the new Zealand Herald today.

Can you answer the question below (with kite GBDE)?

Today or tomorrow I will put a solution at the bottom of this page.

Also see:

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My Competitions (Index)

This page lists my current competitions and also what type of puzzles each competition mainly focuses on. No competitions are “dumbed down” as someone has claimed. They are simply of different types. Enjoy 🙂


#1. Arithmetical

#2. Logical

#3. Lateral thinking (thinking outside the square)

#4. Lateral thinking

#5. Magic squares

#6. Counters and coins

#7. Feedback on my blog

#8. Sudoku

Here are the rules again:


  1. Email your answers one at a time (anytime after the questions have a link above) to me using my Contact page.
  2. You must start with question 1 and answer each question in order. i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6.
  3. You cannot try the next question until Alan confirms you have got your current question right (starting with question 1).
  4. You must include the question with your answer (copy and paste the question).
  5. Alan’s answers are final (unless you can prove him wrong).
  6. There is not a prize (only bragging rights and maybe a certificate). Daud and Fiona have generously provided a picture of a chocolate fish with a bite out of the end if you would like one :).
  7. No cheating from the Internet (except for competition #8).
  8. Don’t post any answers here or anywhere else.

Enjoy 🙂

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