Special free gift to my followers: Would you like to publish your posts on my blog?

Would you like to publish your great posts on my blog (no prompt required)?
This can help promote your blog (include a link to your blog in your post).

Since the Daily Post stopped producing new prompts in June, there has been no WordPress site to publish posts in a similar way (just text links to your posts).

I have decided to allow my followers to publish (and edit) their posts on my blog.

This means that interested followers can become an ‘author’ in my blog.

There is no simple way to change a follower to an author.

If you are a follower of my blog and would like to publish your posts on my blog, the easiest way to achieve this is for you to:

  1. Send me an email though my Contact page requesting that you would like to be an author in my blog.
  2. Accept my invitation (when I reply to your email) when I invite you to be an author.

You will then be able to write posts (or reblog your existing posts) on my blog.

In addition, you can also share your posts as previously on my other blog.
To share your own post, just put the following link anywhere in your post:
Shared Posts (Pingbacks)
(Click on the same link above to see the list of the posts).




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